Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Sireh Junjung Energising Orange

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung Energising Orange
done for my next door neighbor's wedding 
Ajib & Aula on 25th December 2011.
Thank you very much and Congratulations on your wedding.

Special request by the groom's mom to use orchid, but since my florist unable to find me a really2x orange orchid so I combine both fresh rose in orange and white orchid in this gubahan...This gubahan is actuallly part of a total 9 gubahan hantaran, the rest guna tricycle tapi yang lain tu tak larat  amik gambo...sbb I've not slept for 2 days that weekend because of so many gubahan need to be done for wedding and engagement during Christmas public holiday so mata dah separuh pejam masa ni lagipon guna kamera pinjam sakit kepala tak reti nak adjust ...hehe gambo sireh ni dah edit banyak gaklah ni taw kalo tak tersangat gelap =) gambar sireh junjung ni gagahkan mata utk snap sbb if you guys notice for the past 3 years I've been doing gubahan business warna orange cuma pernah buat 3 kali je kot before ni and the one right before this gambarnya I did not manage to upload because I lost my camera so berusaha amik this one sbb orange rose is quite a rare sight 8D

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