Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Secret Garden [Pink and White theme color]

Gubahan hantaran Secret Garden in pink and white theme color
done for Sheela's engagement last December.
Congratulations & Thank you very much.

Gubahan Hantaran Chocolate

Gubahan Hantaran Kain Pelikat

Gubahan Hantaran Buah-buahan

Gubahan Hantaran Kotak Kek

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung

Gubahan Hantaran Sejadah

Gubahan Hantaran Toiletries Bodyshop

If for wedding nanti nak tempah with us too don't hesitate to contact me k =) don't worry former customer (dan anyone that uols refer) akak bagi free delivery je ke Johor 8D I'm already in Selangor now so for first time Johor customer starting February 2011 delivery charge RM 100 will be applicable (so I highly suggest if you know any of our previous customer ~boleh tengok under Booking Schedule 2010 for list of people that you might know ~ and ask them to refer you to us so you can enjoy free delivery to my hometown in Johor k dengan syarat tempahan mesti dibuat awal sekurang-kurangnya 3 bulan sebelum tarikh majlis). Thank you.

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