Monday, February 28, 2011

Gubahan Hantaran 2011 - Sireh Junjung Gold Splash

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung Gold Splash
which is part of 7 other gubahan hantaran in black and gold theme color
done for engagement of Hana's brother,
Boy (sorry ya tak tau nama sebenar =) on 1.1.11
Congratulation and Thank you very much.

we sprinkle gold dust on the roses to add some glittery effect

...after I skip and lost some of 2010 gubahan picture uols finally got the chance to see year 2011's gubahan picture =) Hana ni tokei Coolblog (the only cold drinks yang I can drink without dapat batuk ke flu and the like 8D maknanya the ice they use is clean cause otherwise even a sip pon boleh buat demam 2 hari =) dekat dengan our shop dulu so dia dah book awal utk date hangat ni (^_~)

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