Friday, January 21, 2011

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Sireh Junjung Lovely Pink

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung Lovely Pink for
Sheela's engagement on 23rd Dec 2010
which is part of her other hantaran in pink theme color

it's already 2011 but I'm not even done uploading 2010 pictures yet (itu "nasib baik" my old camera hilang kalo tak sampai mid year 2011 pon belom habis with 2010 punya pics kot...gelap sket gambar2x ni pakai kamera my sis iso tinggi x reti nak adjust and option with or without flash je xde option slow sync...I'm not a tech savvy so rasa sgt tension bila kena belajar benda baru uhuks serabut)

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