Sunday, May 30, 2010

Holiday Destination: Win a 5 Days 4 Nights Honeymoon Vacation in Bali

There's a contest currently going on and it's very relevant for you all lovebirds out there. Yes, you can save tons on honeymoon expenses if you win this....the grand prize is a vacation package for 2 to Bali!!!

The ads kinda too small up there in the right column to be noticable (and currently sharing spacelah plak with Libresse haha cumil jugak ads ni haha and plus boleh dapatkan free sample woh2x but special for gurls only (^_~)...hmmm nape tak nak dok kat large rectangle eks uhuks mungkin kerna my post panjang berjela kut ke erks ads takmo dok situ...takpe bila ada 2 ads at one space pown lebey "maju" jugaklah my buffered earning tuh)...and the Coffee Mate ads sort of "blends too well" with my blog theme color here...The contest is organized by Coffee Mate and as in this post title, yes, the grand prize is a 5 Days 4 Nights trip for two to Bali =)

The post title should actually be read as honeymoon or vacation actually is not specifically for newlyweds only =D ...[I tweak it a bitlah so it's relevant to my wedding blog content here (^_^)]...dan kerna ini bukan advertorial job ini hanya "social responsibility" jek ahaks so the write up is brief jeklah ya...ntah tahun bila ntah nak dapat advertorial job kan miahaha berangan jeklah lalala...kalo advertorial job musti ai buat sangat detail tahap gaban punye ahaha but this one sukarelwan so brief sahajalah k...wakaka takde ca$h motivation disitu kih3x)

This contest is very easy, it doesn't even require a proof of purchase so tak perlu keluarkan sebarang modal!!! How to join, just Click on the ads if u guys see it (or just refresh this blog few times then u'll see it...but it's if only you are not no 300 visitor yet for the day...kesian my unique visitor sket jek kan yang the advertiser bought...haha sbb unique visitor memang skek jek...pageviews jek yang banyak...on weekends you will be able to see it until nightime...kinda for sure) and then you'll be directed to the Nestle Coffee Mate Contest Page. There Click on the "Join Now" button which will take you to the next page where you guys will see the steps on how to join the contest. Basically there's 4 step.
# Step 1: Watch any of the 3 mini-episode and based on the video u've watch, answer one question correctly.

Best gak ah mini-episode nih kinda sweet with a bit bitter aftertaste but I'm kind of sure it will/must have a happy ending...of course...the 3 episode will be uploaded every 2 weeks from the contest start date (24th May 2010)...

# Step 2: Complete the slogan ( with your creative Love Note) within 30 words

Love Note/Nota Cinta can be written in English or Bahasa Malaysia respectively, based on the languange tab that u've chosen...sebab hadiah pon untuk 2 kategori... meaning ada pemenang untuk Love Note in English dan ada juga hadiah untuk kategori Nota Cinta in Bahasa Malaysia.

contoh my Love Note tadik "You are the Apple of My Heart" ini dikategorikan under English entry lah...kalo nak masuk bahasa Malaysia kena pilih tab "Tukar ke Bahasa Malaysia" dan tulis sebagai "Anda adalah Epal Hati Saya" (ok the direct translation sounds funny uhuks)...owh I loike Apple...buleh digunakan dalam pelbagai bentuk yang cumil...let it be for lurve...or as a chair also very cute ahaks (mana nak carik kerusi apple nih kat M'sia eks ;?)...eh2x ada commercial break plak...ok sorry continue balik pasal contest Coffee Mate nih =)

# Step 3: Fill in the registration form with your details.

# Step 4: Send an invite to 3 friends & let them know about this cool Contest. And then you are done, just wait for the result and if you win you'll be notified via emails and phone that u've provide during the registration  in #Step 3.

The Grand Prize is a vacation package comprises of Malaysian Airlines return ticket for 2, and 5D/4N accomodation in Hard Rock Hotel, Bali...and with daily breakfast too!!!

Wishing uols the best of luck =) Kalo menang bleh jimat banyak uang on honeymoon expenses so buleh spend more on your wedding preparation instead...bagi lebih grandeur lagi =D Agak2x takde idea nak dapatkan mood untuk tulis ur love note mungkin boleh tengok romantic comedy laen sementara tunggu sambungan Coffe Mate video tuh kan (second episode on 6th June 2010)...and suggestion from me untuk mengisi masa yang tak berape nak lapang mustilah korean drama (thee sorrylah I'm an avid fan of Korean Drama muahaha Taiwan Drama pown suke jugak...cite Melayu terasa extra  jiwang skek ahaks prolly because I understand the language kih3x)...

Latest "addiction" is Personal Taste (the apple chair as in picture kat atas tadi is from this drama)...starring Lee Min Ho...same lead actor as in Boys Over Flowers tapi kali nih lebey hensem sket ahaks sbb rambut tak curly hahaha ...

and nasib baeklah this week dah abes dah cite nih (watch it here for ep 15 and 16) now I can focus on job yang banyak cuti sekolah minggu depan...w'pon beezy this blog will be updated more often next week rasanya as compared to when I'm not beezy last month...(ahaha sebab bila tak beezy banyak buang masa kat Youtube, Vikii or Jokeroo...uhuks it's really a "great place" to waste our precious time lalala...) 

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or simply drop your comment under this post with your email address included. Thank You!!!


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