Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Purple and White

Bekas Gubahan Hantaran English White Carven Tray with purple and white deco done for Zura. For your guys info we do provide this kind of service too. So if you are a creative person and wants to give your own personal touch to ur own gubahan hantaran, u can opt to rent the bekas hantaran only either plain without deco or with deco in ur chosen theme color and then arrange the hantaran urself in ur own creative way ;D but you'll need to have the creativity and most importantly timelah untuk diy the gubahan hantaran...otherwise tempah sepenohnya jek with us so tak payah pening2x kepala lagi and still ends up spend more money sebab beli banyak aksesori yang not needed for the deco nanti (for yang tidak berpengalaman memang high tendency rambang mata beli macam2x deco)...dun worry  masih buleh jugaklah show off and claim as ur own hasil tangan juga walaupon u hire a designer to do it for you ;D designer tak kisah punyalah kot as long as it is not flaunt for commercial purpose without the proper credit of their touch XD

Any Enquiry Send to
or drop ur Comment inside Our FanPage
or simply drop your comment under this post with your email address included. Thank You!!!


wanbillionare said...

sy skang tga mencari service untuk sewa bekas hantaran, sy berminat dengan bekas nie kalo blh tlg e-mailkan sy sebut harga bg bekas nie

Lily Norliza said...

Salam Wan, saya dah emailkan quotation. Just check ur inbox k. Tqvm

CiK NuYu said...

saya berminat untuk sewa bekas hantaran ni.. boleh tak emailkan quotation. tq :)

Fieza Dennise said...

salam, bley sy taw bekas nih die nye price bpe eik? TQ:D

Lily Norliza said...

Salam Fieza, saya dah emailkan price, just check ur inbox for details k. TQ.

Anonymous said...

saya berminat untuk sewa bekas hantaran ni.. boleh tak emailkan

Lily Norliza said...

Nilam, saya dah emailkan harga. Just check ur email for details k. TQ.

miss fathiah said...

salam, leh xemailkan harga untuk bekas hantran

Lily Norliza said...

Salam, saya dah emailkan harga. Just check your yahoo inbox for details k. TQ.

lyna said...

akak...sayer mau tau harga bkas antaran ini...ples emel kt kasi yawww....

Lily Norliza said...

Lyna, akak dah emailkan harga. Just check ur inbox for details k. TQ.

Unknown said...

salam..cumel la bks hntaran ni..suke3!! kindly send me ur quotation ye..thx..

Lily Norliza said...

Salam Siti, saya dah emailkan quotation. Just check your gmail inbox for details k. TQ.

acak said...

Salam saya berminat nk sewa bekas sekali ngn gubahan...bole tau harge tak?..utk 9 dulang hantaran?

acak said...

Salam..saya berminat dgn bekas2 hantaran nih...kindly send me ur quotation ye..thx.

Nur Zaini said...


Saya berminat dengan bekas2 hantaran. Can you please send me your quotation? :)

And harga untuk gubahan fresh flowers. Thanks! :)

Lily Norliza said...

Hi Zaini, tolong bagi ur email address for me to send the quote. TQ.

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