Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Sireh Junjung Lavender Purple

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung Lavender Purple
done for Sue on her engagement day 10th Oct 2010
Congrats and thank you very much =)

Special request from Sue to include the peacock feather =) and I've received a number of inquiry for this peacock feather from uols out there (^_~) well dearies I don't have the feather in store, I only bought by customer request sahaja. The market price of the feather ranges from RM 2 to RM 6 per pc.

it's becoming a "habbit" now I'm uploading the pics after only like 2 months after the event...=) really sorry on the delay   ahahaha serves me right that now Yahoo and Bing have "pushed" this blog out from the first page of their search result...tapi Yahoo and Bing merapu ah blog yang last updated like 3 years ago pon ada yang dok first page. Google is the best search engine don't understand kenapa masih ada guna search engine lain, tapikan encik Google...bila blog ni nak dpt dok takhta no 1 on the first page ya lalala...

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