Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Gust of Spring [Purple and White theme color]

Gubahan Hantaran Gust of Spring in purple and white theme color
done for Sue & Bid engagement
Congratulations and thank you very much.

Gubahan Hantaran Cupcake

Gubahan Hantaran Buah-buahan

Gubahan Hantaran Tuala

Gubahan Hantaran Sejadah & Al-Quran

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung

 Gubahan Hantaran Songkok dan Kain Samping

Gubahan Hantaran Chocolate

This is the last set of gubahan picture that I manage to transfer from my old camera before I lost it together with my handbag last week...there's a lot of gubahan picture for Nov and Dec inside that camera that I've not transfer yet huhuhu...and by the way guys I lost my handphone too so if you sms or call me and I seem not to know u guys eventhough we have communicate before that is because I lost all contact no inside my old handphone =(...honestly I'm still in denial until now that I lost all the "crap" inside my big handbag tu...skrg phobia sekejap tak bawak handbag langsung kekeke we'll see how long I will last without one...best jugak taw ringan jek rasa jenjln tak bawak apa2x =) yang pasti nanti kalo dah start bawak handbag balik mcm mls jek nak carry my original ic around...hilang ic paling menyusahkan ok dahlah replacement kena bayar RM 110 kena tunggu sebulan plak tu...utk amik replacement kad atm kena bawak ic original tak boleh pakai yang sementara uhuks...sungguh kesian tak buleh kuarkan duit =( ...replacement credit card is only RM 50 and I've receive them within 2 working days...hmmm with RM 110 I think the identification card replacement should only take one day!!!)

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