Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran Fresh Flower 2010 - Green and White | Peach and Pink [Fresh Flower]

Gubahan Hantaran fresh flower in Green and White + Peach and Pink
done for Ella & Hafidz engagement @ 8th August.
Congratulations and thank you very much for choosing us =)

Gubahan Hantaran Fresh Flower in Peach and Pink

Ella's hometown is in Penang and she's working in KL thus the gubahan must be ready way earlier before the engagement day because she needs to travel back to her hometown. Pheww it's a relief to see from photos I "peek" at Ella's facebook album the flower still look fresh on the engagement day =)

Gubahan Hantaran Fresh Flower in Green and Off White @ Ivory 

uols can checkout the complete gubahan hantaran with Ella's own touch
in arranging the hantaran item inside

In total the flower is about 5 days old oredi on the engagement day 8D so to those who opt to order fresh flower hantaran from us rest assured k, the flower can last for a week. TQ.

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