Monday, September 27, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Fairytale Garden [Pink and White theme color]

Gubahan Hantaran Fairytale Garden in pink and white theme color
done for Zura's wedding.
Congratulations and Selamat Pengantin Baru.

Gubahan Hantaran Perfume

Gubahan Hantaran Al-Quran

Gubahan Hantaran Baju Kemeja

Gubahan Hantaran Camera

Gubahan Hantaran Jam Tangan

 Gubahan Hantaran Kasut

Gubahan Hantaran Vitamin

Gubahan Hantaran Wallet, Tie & Clip

Just like how fairytales ends =) where the bride and groom ride off into the sunset to begin their new life together as husband and wife, a life full of promise, romance, and above all, love, wishing the both of you a happy marriage and live happily ever after.


  1. i love this theme..fairytale..i pn bru ingt nk wt theme fairytale..hehehe...thanks give an ideas...

  2. u r most welcome. And thanks for visiting this blog =) if nak order ur gubahan with us pon boleh (^_~)
