Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gubahan Hantaran 2011 - Sireh Junjung Orange Horizon

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung Orange Horizon
which is part of 7 pcs gubahan hantaran in
black and orange theme color 

Tricycle + English Rose Tray

The hantaran is done for Noorhidayah wedding in hmmm September =) erks I know that's like 3 months ago =) the rest of the picture will "emerge" this week I promise XD...hehe ada yang August punya gambar pon tak go through lg sebenarnya lalala dah lama tak update blog ni...sampai it's no where to be found dlm google search...huhu it's out from the first page of search result of gubahan hantaran...I'm going to diligently update my blog this week and nak ping kat mana eks yang bagus, anybody tau share with me k =)...hopefully it will make it back on top eventhough bukan dok takhta no 1 at least dok page no 1 semula jadiklah huhuhu...I really need to better understand the SEO thingy lah tapi my brain mcm tak boleh nak process the concept pon ahahaha bing and yahoo mmg dah lamalah tak kelihatan kat situ dah uhuks T_T

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