Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gubahan Hantaran 2011 - Sireh Junjung Color's of Nature

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung Color's of Nature
which is part of 7 pcs fresh flower hantaran
in ivory and green theme color
done for Puan Norridah from Shah Alam, Selangor
and this is for her son's wedding in March 2011.
Thank you very much for the order.

Really sorry did not manage to capture the picture of all 6 other item because of time constraint even this picture is only taken using my handphone (belom replace my lost camera lagi masa ni and I crash my sis punya memory card masa ni miahaha sbb amek gambo sampai abes bateri huhu I always do this with my camera so far tak pernah crash kekeke pakai kamera pinjam bleh crash plak lalala migrain sekejap dahlah byk jugak gambo dlm tu uhuks)...the final sireh junjung with bunga pinang, kapur and gambir included also did not manage to snap one... I'm sorry that I will not be able to share my 'evidence" of work as much as before and give my feedback as promptly so that's why it's best if you can meet me face to face during wedding exhibition, next will be in Stadium Melawati Shah Alam on 1st - 3rd July 2011...I guess the busier I become the less update this blog will get and also the longer time you will have to wait for my feedback, please be understanding and be patient waiting otherwise you can always call me directly for a faster feedback if you have any inquiry or you are all that ready to place your order but I did not give the account no or issue Paypal invoice for you to make the payment yet...ok my follow up after that might not be prompt but your call will sure get your name into my attention and you will get my reply as soon as deem possible slightly faster than others in the backlog list (I will try to reply to all today)...ok I know my email reply is even slower than the conventional snail mail huhu =( (I should really get a pa who can keep track of my appointment cum tukang kemas rumah, jawab email, etc....huhu the storage room dah even worst than a shipwreck after bawak masuk semula brg2x dari exhibition haha need to get someone untuk kemasdah...it's beyond my own means dah utk mengemas sendiri =)

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