Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gubahan Hantaran 2011 - In Full Bloom [mix Rose, Butter and Melon theme color]

Gubahan Hantaran In Full Bloom theme color Rose, Butter and Melon
done for Syikin's brother in February 2011 @ Damansara
Gubahan Hantaran Bekas Cincin

2011 color trend is mix variety of pastel and vibrant colors...the above picture is actually just the mockup requested by Shikin to view through email prior to our meeting...during real collection time I've improvise the design further with some bling2x balls and really glad Shikin and her mom loves it even more =) Thanks a lot for the order and siap bagi copy in cd lagi the pics sbb I tak sempat snap them myself coz nak kena kemas utk checkout =) Tqvm (masa ni belom pindah ke Selangor lagi so kena sok hotel jeklah...huru-hara satu bilik coz there's another 20 pcs hantaran that I need to do at the same time too >> ok this will take forever for me to edit . I definitely tinggalkan byk kesan gam kat meja coz the glue gun is working non stop XD). Unfortunately dah lama x guna my cd drive tak functionlah plak...I'll update this post again once I bought a replacement for that faulty cd drive =(

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