Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to all =) sorry that I've been very busy and thus in a hiatus for the past 2 weeks *^_^* I will attend to all inquiries within this week. Again, I'm taking this opportunity to wish everybody Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir & Batin. Our shop is already open yesterday on the 5th day of hari raya, from 10.30 am to 10.00 pm however it is highly recommended to set appointment before coming to the shop if you wanna discuss on gubahan design etc because only our sales assistant is there at the shop...I'm still in raya mood 8D and thus will not be in the shop for most of the time, (^_~) If I'm at kampung beraya you might not be able to contact my mobile because of limited coverage, so for any inquiry it will be best to direct them to my email or leave your comment on our facebook wall, I will attend to your inquiry as soon as deem possible. Thank you very much, selamat hari in moderation (erkss this is reminder for myself actually =) and drive carefully =)
Pics of star and moon on the 3rd day of hari raya. Pics credit to my bil...haha there's moment when the star is even closer to the moon right in the middle, but my bil tired already and the dslr camera is too complicated for my sis to handle haha so this is the best pics that I can share with uols here...if uols look closely the moon kinda have the face like in the cartoon XD only this one don't have the eyelah kan *^_^*

Btw since raya sebulan kan and by request now we re-open order for Balang Kuih Raya. Order can be accepted for design BK003 - BK010 (BK001/BK002 already sold out, and BK003/BK005 is only available for one last set, BK007 only available without ruffles & tassel). TQ.









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