Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran Fresh Flower 2010 - Sireh Junjung Vibrant Green

 Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung Vibrant Green
which is part of 7 pcs fresh flower hantaran
in ivory and green theme color
done for Zuliyati from Muar, Johor
and this is for her brother's engagement
on 3rd July 2010.

Thank you very much for the order eventhough we did not have the chance to meet face to face (^_~)

Zuliyati requested for a grandeur sireh junjung, hence we include tuberose (bunga harum sundal malam) for extra sweet scent and and include 3 pcs of our very own handmade bunga pinang, kapur and gambir (see how our bunga kapur really jive as filler flower in there, at a glance it looks just like other white peacock used inside the gubahan =) that's how our design is very much special from other bunga pinang, bunga kapur and gambir that you can find in the market. Ours is gubahan tested and thus blends beautifully inside your sireh junjung ^O^ Other flowers used inside this gubahan beside the tuberose and white peacock are roses in ivory/cream, yellow peacok, white peacok, green pom pom mums and of course the betel leaves/sireh. And for your guys info, if you wanna diy your gubahan sireh junjung or gubahan using fresh flower we do sell them in bulk, for rose minimum 2 dozen @ RM 35 and please pre-order 1 week in advance. TQ.

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