Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sireh Junjung 2010 - Peach Blush

Sireh Junjung Peach Blush which is part of gubahan hantaran
done for Mieza's solemnisation in early March.
Hope it's still not too late to wish Selamat Pengantin Baru!

luckily Mieza is such a sport and leave it all to us to design the sireh bolehlah adapt dengan keadaan semasa yang kegersangan daun sireh time tuh...actually dah lama tak guna fern leaves nih sebab biasanya memang tersangat mewah dengan daun sireh...about 100 pcs for one sireh junjung tapi sekarang kene catu about 120 pcs daun sireh untuk 3 sireh junjung erksss, 2 for Mieza and 1 for another customer pada hari yang kenalah tambah fern leaves sikit to make up for the empty spaces...

Mieza also order wedding cake and 50 pcs pretty cupcake thru us and we order from ChunkyBites...and sebab Mieza order through us dapatlah pinjam foc the cakestand+pisau panjang dari ChunkyBites untuk upacara potong if uols nak one stop order cake or cupcake from us pown boleh dapat kurangkan pening uols dealing kat banyak tempat...our recommended design is always keep it sweet and simple... KISS...

the rest of the gubahan picture tengah try nak retrieve dari mmc yang dah sengal...banyak bad sector so asyiklah kije hang sajo...the theme color is Peach from the groom and Purple from the bride...look out for the update soon k! (lately nih kene rajin update blog to keep the ads alive hak3x by May dah bleh cashout nih and set a new $ target...hehe kalo tak kerana hidden agenda nih rasanya tak serajin inilah kut...kene berusaha keras nih sebab banyak buffered earning yang "dianugerahkan" dies off begitu saje uhuks sbb traffic tak boost as required...btw this is good news for everyone jugak kan kalo tak sampai bersawanglah blog nih tak berupdate erkss)

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