Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran Lesson 101: Polish your Hantaran Fruit to Shiny Perfection

Ever wonder why some pictures of gubahan hantaran buah-buahan featured inside the magazine is all polished to shiny perfection? (most of themlah...ada gaks yang "berlapuk" tapi lepas gaks masuk mag hahaha tapi mmg huduhlah rupanya kan kalo tak berkilauan tuh especially for buah anggur) There's a secret to it!!! You won't get the shiny, glittery look simply just by washing the fruit with water. You need to give the fruit a little "spa treatment"'ll need to "massage"=polish the fruit with cooking oil to make them "shine like a star". I prefer olive cooking oil better dunno whylah maybe it's kind of lighter kut...but our local minyak masak kelapa sawit can do wonder just the same, so do not fret if you don't have olive cooking oil in your home you can still polish your hantaran fruit to shiny perfection with palm oil XD

OK cara nak membuatnya tersangatlah senang, cuma guna kitchen napkin (tissue biasa pown boleh tapi lembik benyek sketlah jadinya nanti tisu tuh) dap sedikit minyak kat napkin tuh and start tapping the fruit skin lightly. My little shortcut secret >> just arrange the fruit to your liking first and then polish only the part that's visible to the eye (hehe yang bawah2 tuh tak nampak kan so boleh dimaafkan kalo tak polish pown takpe ahaks tapi kalo terlebey rajin perfectionist ada banyak masa...boleh jek takde masalah kalo sanggup polish anggur sebijik2x...kene gugusan anggur yang lebat satu malam ah plak kan polish buah2x tuh uhuks gud luck) so I strongly suggest don't waste the time smart ^^.  Ok bila dah siap massage bahagian yang patut now you can already get a shining, polished fruit inside your diy gubahan hantaran where the fruits nampak best sungguh untuk dimakan (ehem tapi walau pown dah dipolish buah2x tuh still kena basuh dengan air dulu jugak ya sebelum dimakan)

OK sume selamat mencuba. Sorry tak dapat buat demo video currently tengah away from home, nanti balik Johor I'll do a quick video guide on these k. And please kindly contact me preferably through sms or comment in fanpage (hmmm now facebook change it to nak panggil like page ke eks haha macam pelik XD...) Thank you and have a nice day everyone!

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