Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran Lesson 101 - Gubahan Duit Mas Kahwin

We've come up with video belajar cara buat gubahan Duit Mas Kahwin...Selamat mencuba ya! 

The above video is free and was uploaded back in 2008 and at that time recording were only done using webcam from front view. In October 2012 we have come up with a complete step by step guide for gubahan hantaran duit maskahwin in higher screen resolution with camera from doers angle for clearer view which is part of our DVD Gubahan Hantaran Volume 2. The DVD is for sale @RM 20 per pc (sorry we're not able to give anymore free video because people are kind of skeptical when things are given for free...). For our learning series currently we have 2 volume of DVD:
1. Volume 1 contains 3 gubahan sireh junjung design + 3 video aid on how to roll/tie daun sireh
2. Volume 2 contains 1 gubahan bunga duit (handbouquet rose) + 1 gubahan telekung (bunga rafflesia) + 1 gubahan balang + 2 video aid on how to tie single and double bow ribbon
#Buy both Volume 1&2 only @RM 30 with free delivery charge within Semenanjung Malaysia. If postage to Sabah/Sarawak @RM 10, to Singapore @RM 30.

DVD Gubahan Hantaran Volume 1 & 2

The camera angle for all video inside the DVD is the same with how it's done for our Ketupat Weaving video, from doers angle for clearer view. Step by step instruction is provided before every visual demo.

If you are not confident enough to do it on your own and you can collect your order from us in Shah Alam fyi we do accept order to help do the gubahan duit mas kahwin for you. Price is RM 60 for 20 pcs of bank note and below (irregardless of value), and RM 3 per pc for the next additional pieces of bank note (21 pcs onwards). Below are some sample of our previous work on gubahan duit maskahwin (rose).


  1. bile nk tmbah lesson??
    wat laa cmne nk gubah kain plak
    sbb we need to help
    our fren punye wedding...
    nk tmpah dgn u'olls but
    jauh sgt
    kami di russia...

  2. owh jauh dari russia =)
    thanks for dropping by our blog 8D
    OK sorry agak busy sikit tak sempat nak buat more video lesson. At the moment saya tengah compile step gubahan hantaran for ebooks, utk lipatan kain saya ada lipatan bunga kalo awak nak saya boleh emailkan that part. You can leave your email address here nnt saya email to you, or you can email me first lily@tepak-sireh.com and later saya reply with the gubahan guide k. TQ.

  3. akak...sy pon nk ebook jgk leh? xtau nk gubah tuala sejadah ler...pening crik idea

  4. e-book akak belom siap lagi =) baru buat sket je tergendala sbb my camera hilang and malas betol nak amik gambar sume step2x gubahan again =(. Lipatan rasanya baru satu jek bentuk bunga 8D kalo awak nak akak boleh emailkan that part tapi leave ur email address here atau email me first lily@tepak-sireh.com and letak title "Ebooks Gubahan Hantaran" nanti akak reply k. TQ.
