Friday, February 26, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran 21 pcs in one set!

OK if uols think 15 pcs gubahan hantaran is already a lot...well 21 pcs might give you a shock of a lifetime hahaha...adeh nih baru jek lepas siapkan gubahan hantaran terakhir out of 21 pcs in orange - black theme color...the gubahan is done for Ekin's wedding on 27th February [so glad that Ekin is very satisfied with the gubahan design now and also before masa bertunang dolu >>Blue Ocean]...Alhamdulillah sume 21 pcs gubahan sempat disiapkan on time [koh3x punyalah 'dedicated' last nite sambil tido pon pegang double side tape ok...uhuks punyalah ngantuksnye masa tuh , buat plak deco kotak kek kan hihi kurang mencabar minda sampai bleh tertido]...below pics of the last item yang disiapkan...of course the sireh junjung...kaler carnation nih agak reddish orange tak seperti yang di expect uhuks...pttnya sunquick orange...nasib baek Ekin kata ok jek phew lega kalo tak, tak taulah nak korek mane kan uhuks2x ...

the rest of the pics kalo xde penyakit m lah kan, we'll try to update next wk...tapi kalo penyakit m menyerang kene tunggu sampai lepas cuti sekolah ah yek sbb masa tuh baru bleh 'bernafas' sket...stay tuned k!

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