Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Sireh Junjung Blazing Red

Gubahan Hantaran Sireh Junjung in Red and White theme color
which is part of 15 pcs gubahan hantaran
done for Ayu's engagement on 31st Jan 2010.
Tak bleh upload lagiks other pics sbb photoshop
dah expire haha x bleh wat editing.
this pics bleh upload dolu sbb w'pon xde watermark
ada my hand disitu bahaha trademark terus...
as usual design nih mmg 'ngeri' sket sbb tuh kene
pegang middle part tuh uhuks...
w'pon sgt 'berisiko tinggi' nampaknya design topiary nih
adalah yg paling diminati by most of our customer...

Will update the rest of the pics once photoshop dah back in action...
rajin2lah melawat ke blog nih for more update k
[hehe kalo ada nuffnang ads tuh kuar rajin2lah
g click menyiasat2 k >>> ada contest bleh masuk menang hadiah pe
bahaha nih side income nih
dgn harapan paymentnyer nnt bleh at least cover
for domain name for this year huhu...
kesian btol after 3 weeks baru RM3.25,
last wk ah xde earning langsungzZz
bahaha nampaknya lama lagilah baru bleh cash out...
owh tadik check last week adalah 50sen
miahaha so as to date RM3.75, RM 46.25 before you get paid bahaha]

Eh back ke cerita asal,
masa sampai kat rumah Ayu for the gubahan delivery
pelamin dah siap so mintak permission snap gambau sebijik...
very the Blazing Red pelaminnya...
...kerana camera x canggih gambau pakcik kat sebelah pelamin terpaksa snap sekalik heee...
owner kedai pengantin yg pasang pelamin nih pon masih
ada kat sini masa tuh so ada amik
his business card ah but it's with my sis...
kalo uols ada berminat with the dais bleh request
his contact details from us...hehe kitorg xde kudratlah
nak pasang pelamin sendiri rasanya ahaks...


  1. Thanks to lily (noe u @ ayu house)..publish n promote our pelamin..really appriciate it
    Gubahan 4 ayu nampak kemas & teliti..
    sireh junjung blazing red awsome

  2. seriously i love this pelamin..
    i wanted to have this kind of pelamin in my wedding..nanti..insyallah.. :)
    but if mine, i nak tambahkan skit kelainan..u guys boleh add another one colour..naikkan seri pelamin ni..
    love it!~!

  3. Memorable Moment Bridal>>Thanx for ur compliment...mungkin bleh bekerjasama in the future ;) u guys punya pelamin meletopss

  4. Anonymous>>pelamin nih from Memorable Moment Bridal...rasanya bleh adjust apa2 kaler yang u nak...tambah filler flower sket jek lagi nih dah purrfect dah kot...
