Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gubahan Hantaran 2010 - Gubahan Duit Mas Kahwin RM 100

Gubahan Hantaran Duit Mas Kahwin
done for Norhana's brother...
this is a last minute order so I'm not sure actual wedding date bile...
salah satu hari during cuti2 cny nihlah...
last year one of her brother pon tempah buat gubahan duit mas kahwin with us...
uhuks tapi sori lupe nak upload hee sbb satu jeks...
so nih upload dua2 pics sekalilah terus...

Duit Mas Kahwin RM 100

Duit Mas Kahwin RM 22.50
btw paling last minute pon we only accept 3 days before...
itu pon kalo gubahannya satu jek taw...
sireh junjung last minute order latest by one wk...
woh2 lebih last minute drpd tuh i.e. 1 day before x dapeklah nak tolongkan uhuks...

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