Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gubahan Hantaran 2009 - Sireh Junjung Purple Blast

Gubahan Sireh Junjung Purple Blast
which is part of set Violet Mist
done for Yuzaili's wedding.
This sireh junjung need to be ready on the fourth day
after Deepavali and of course masa tuh kedai India baru start bukak
dan mestilah takde jual daun sireh.
Fortunately belakang rumah customer nih ada pokok sireh,
so terpaksalah mintak customer bawak daun sireh sendiri.
Untuk customer yang bring their own daun sireh
we'll deduct RM5 from the gubahan charges.
Tapi kenalah bawak around 100 pcs daun yang cantik2 k...

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