Sunday, June 21, 2009

Back Drop Majlis Khatam Al-Quran

Erkss it has been nearly a month since I last update this blog...sorry to those who might have been waiting for new blog post on gubahan hantaran (haha ada ker)...ini pon bukan update on hantaran...huhu malas sesangat nak edit gambo...dan masih fobia nak transfer pics from mmc to laptop...already bought a new 4gb mmc but apparently the problem has got nothing to do with the memory card...instead laptop nih yg dah kaput hahaha ada virus or worm ke kot...the new mmc is also 'invisible' x nampak any removable disk...and when it do appear all the pics is no longer really is a everytime now I have to use photo recovery software to find all the pics back but not all were usually recovered...below are pictures taken using handphone during Majlis Khatam Al-Quran of my niece and nephew on last school holiday 13th June 2009...quality not so goodlah...anyways enjoice...
Alternative usage of Sangkar @ Bird Cage...use it as a 'vase'...shhh sebenarnyakan ini terjadik sebab x sempat pegi carik pasu besar yang sesuai hahaha...but it turns out nice jugaklah kan...
With a raised platform, fairy lights/spotlight and a bit more flowers this backdrop is good to go as mini pelamin too...Insyaallah next year we will have everything needed for wedding and my 2 niece yg dah berazam nak khatam Quran next year akan dapat mini pelaminlah coz akan bukak butik andaman target on 01.01.10...look out for more update from us...mungkin our butik andaman akan bukak for promotion lebih awal 3 bulan dari tarikh nih with special packages at promotion price...frequently visit our blog for more updates...also this Ramadhan come and visit us at Bazaar Raya IOI Mall, Kulai @ Booth 7&7A...after this post I'll try my best to snap and then upload pics of Dainty Canister @ Balang Kuih Raya Berhias for those who wanna make early raya preparation...tak early jugaklah pon sebab dlm 2 bulan lagi dah nak puasa dah...lately nih from Feedjit I can see some visitor arrived at this blog searching for "balang kuih raya"...hope we can help you with your search nanti bila dah berjaya capture, transfer and upload the pics of the canister to our blog... Gambo anak2 sedara yang ramai...sebenarnya total ada sedozen ok tapi lagi 4 org kat Selangor so they're not here to join the 'fun'...niece and nephew yang baru officially selesai khatam Quran is in blue baju kurung and baju mom and 2 sis is in this picture too, joining the wacky kids haha...I'm not in the picture coz I'm the photographer...hihi lagipon dah x muat nih backdrop kecik sgt ahaks...and I'm also too fat now to 'disclose' my latest picture here...ehem I've put on nearly 10kg ok since I left KL and x workout at the gym owh well b'coz California Fitness xde kat Johor nih, kat Singapore adalah wakaka and I'm not that rajin ok to go 'oversea' just to workout hahaha...

Pics during majlis tuh ramai gaklah org sampai xde ruang photographer nak lalu huhu...nih bukan view sepenohnya lagi mom jemput org punyalah ramai mcm ada majlis kenduri kawen daa...

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