Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sireh Junjung 2010 - Rose Trail

Gubahan Sireh Junjung Rose Trail
which is part of gubahan hantaran from the bride side
for Ina's brother solemnisation...

the 2 tier stand used in this Sireh Junjung deco is way heavier than the can't leave these 2 combination mmg tidak dicadangkan dan the tricycle pown mmg tak termasuk dlm setting gubahan nih pown at the first place...kejap jek buat position camni for "cosmetic" purpose utk photoshoot only, itu pown hampir2x tragedi erksss...and if uols notice the daun sireh color is a bit darker (Sireh Junjung Red Coral pown sama) sebab nih bukan the regular sireh that I bought kat kedai India tapi this one amik kat rumah jiran kat kampung (erm patutnya kena tambah duit minyak nih sbb kena drive balik kampung semata2 kerana kegersangan sireh tapi hak3x mana bleh charge harga selain harga yang dah dipersetujui masa close deal kan uhuks so absorb jeklah)...for ur guys info masa nat wat sireh junjung nih time tuh tengah musim kemarau erksss nampaknya bukan air jek kena catu, tapi daun sireh jugak...the week before dah start catuan, rupanya the next week terus gersang takde terus...naseb baeklah kat kampung ada w'pon warnanya gelap sket, better than nothinglah kan uhuks


  1. Cantik2 Kak Lily gubah... klu dekat bleh g belajar ngn akak, :-)

  2. thanks for the compliment ;) takpe from time to time kite akan post video gubahan lesson day akan buat on sireh junjung gak kot nanti insyaallah
